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Salem Baptist Church 4.1.1
My Pocket Mobile Apps
Salem Baptist Church resides in the beautifulcommunity of West Salem, located in the southeast corner of thecity of Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and just west of thehistoric town of Old Salem.At Salem Baptist Church, we seek to glorify God throughproclaiming of the truth of His Word, meaningful worship andauthentic community.Features:• One-Touch Calling – contact the church directly or a staff memberwith one click.• Push Notification Messaging - receive messages containingimportant church information while on the go.• Church Events - view current and upcoming ministry events.• Mailing List - join our mailing-list to receive important churchinformation.• App Sharing – share the church app with other members or newvisitors.• Online Bible – now users can study their bible while on the gowith our eBible.Developer:
Destiny Family Christian 1.0.4
My Pocket Mobile Apps
This is the official app for Destiny Family Christian Center in ElPaso, TX. When you download this FREE app, you'll have BishopRichard L. Johnson's powerful and inspiring weekend messages in thepalm of your hand. You'll also have access to the entire Sundaylive worship experience through our live video stream. For ourchurch family, this is one of the best ways to keep in touch andstay connected via notifications of important announcements.Destiny Family Christian Center exists to lead you to a rich andsatisfying life through a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.It is our aim to produce developed, empowered, inspired, happypeople who know Jesus Christ, make Him known and are committed to alife of service to God and the world! This app is a tool to help usdo just that.
The Takoma Park Church 1.0.1
My Pocket Mobile Apps
The Takoma Park Seventh-Day Adventist church was first organized in1904. Since this time we've grown and flourished in the heart ofHistoric Takoma Park. Our church has continuously been an influencein the lives of not only our members, but visitors and thecommunity at large. The TPC Mobile App is designed with you inmind. Whether you're a member or a visitor, there are features tohelp keep you engaged with God and the church body. Some of thesefeatures include access to a in app bible,access to weekly SabbathSchool lessons and the ability to watch our services live or listento pre-recorded broadcasts.
Transformed Worldwide Ministry 4.0.4
My Pocket Mobile Apps
Transformed Worldwide Ministries is a teachingministry and outreach to women (and the ones they love). Weexpound, exhort, and empower through the Word of God so others mayknow Christ and be transformed into His likeness. It is the desireof TWM to continually provide new opportunities for making theScriptures come alive to those who choose to be like Christ. Thisdesire has led us to develop a mobile ministry app which appeals tothe mobilized on-the-go society we are attempting to reach.With the Transformed Worldwide Ministries’ App women (and theones they love) are just a finger touch away from daily messages,videos, latest updates, event info, social media, and more. Nowwomen all over the world can have this powerful ministry andoutreach in the palm of your hands twenty-four hours a day andseven days a week.Please download the TWM App today and share with others.For more information about Transformed Worldwide Ministries,please visit Transformed Worldwide Ministries’ mobile app was developedby My Pocket Business App Developers.Features:• One-Touch Calling – contact the church directly or a staff memberwith one click.• Push Notification Messaging - receive messages containingimportant church information while on the go.• Blog - quickly and easily read our blog posts.• Events - view current and upcoming ministry events.• Mailing List - join our mailing-list to receive importantinformation.• Prayer Wall – this features allows you to make your prayerrequest easy.• Online Bible – now you can study your bible while on the go withour eBible.• App Sharing – share the church app with other members or newvisitors looking for new place to worship.• Notepad - record text notes and email them to anyone at anytime.• Submit Photos - take a photo or send an existing photo and emailit directly to our ministry.
Grace Church on-the-Hill 4.0.4
My Pocket Mobile Apps
All things Grace. The Grace Church app keepsyou up to date with worship tools, news, vents, thoughts, prayers,our rich media of podcasts, videos, sermons, essays and more.Connecting you to Grace, Grace to the community, and Grace to theworld - because Grace Matters.Features:• One-Touch Calling – contact the church directly or a staff memberwith one click.• Send your photos in for chance to be posted on our Facebook orTwitter page. We reserve the right to accept or decline anyphotos.• Push Notification Messaging - receive messages containingimportant church information while on the go.• Church Events - view current and upcoming ministry events.• Mailing List - join our mailing-list to receive important churchinformation.• Prayer Wall – this features allows you to post your prayerrequest easy.
New Faith Baptist Church Intl 4.1.1
My Pocket Mobile Apps
Here you can experience God through technologyat work by a people of faith who seek the heart of God throughworshiping, witnessing, and sharing the love of Christ (God’s son)with the world. As a people of faith, we believe that faith withoutwork is dead. Jesus promised that those who believe on Him would dogreat works (John14:12). Therefore, we at New Faith seek to advancethe kingdom of God through wondrous works of unconditional love,compassion and faith-filled action that transforms lives. We have aheartfelt desire to reach those who are lost, defend thedefenseless, and equip all people to live triumphantly. You willfind powerful and prophetic sermons from our Pastors, Rev. Dr.Trunell D. Felder and First Lady, Rev. Dr. Alexis L. Felder, musicfrom our incredible music ministry, inspirational video clips, oneclick access to an online Bible and other special services. The NewFaith Baptist Church International App provides you instant accessto information on upcoming events and missions work through TheJoseph Assignment. We invite you to engage with God’s people andview highlights on our YouTube channel. It’s all here, everythingyou need to grow in your walk with Christ, stay connected and toshare your love of Christ with others. Wherever you are in theworld, you can stay connected with New Faith Baptist ChurchInternational, a body of believers who take Jesus last command asour first priority. Join us as we impact the world for Christ untilall have heard!Features:• Prayer Request – this features allows you to record and send yourprayer request easy.• One-Touch Calling – contact the church directly or a staff memberwith one click.• GPS Map - visitors can now find your church with one click,providing them turn by turn directions.• Push Notification Messaging - receive messages containingimportant church information while on the go.• Church Events - view current and upcoming ministry events.• Mailing List - join our mailing-list to receive important churchinformation.• Online Bible - study the bible on your mobile devices.• Event Photo - submit your photos from any of our churchevents.
Bridge Church VB 1.400
My Pocket Mobile Apps
Bridge Church is located in Virginia Beach andoffers the life-changing message of Jesus Christthrough dynamic messages and ministries.The Bridge app let’s you stay connected with relevantinformation regarding events, conferences, and activities.You can also access live stream, sermon archives, and Biblereading plans that are designed to strengthen your faith whileyou’re on the move.For more information about Bridge Church, please visit:www.bridgechurch.tvFeatures:• One-Touch Calling – contact the church directly or a staff memberwith one click.• Push Notification Messaging - receive messages containingimportant church information while on the go.• Schedule Appointment – members can now schedule an appointmentwith staff or the pastor.• Church Events - view current and upcoming ministry events.• Mailing List - join our mailing-list to receive important churchinformation.• GPS Map – members and new visitors can find our ministry withjust a click of a button.• Prayer Wall – this feature allows you to post your prayer requesteasy.• Online Bible – now users can study their bible while on the gowith our eBible.
Kingdom Life Church Inc. 4.5.2
My Pocket Mobile Apps
Listen or view a variety of sermons onrelevant topics that interest you. After you have benefited fromthe content, share it with your friends via Twitter, Facebook, oremail. WiFi Internet is required for iPod touch.KLC is a local church with a worldwide mission and is dedicatedto transforming individuals, families, churches and communitiesthrough the sound teaching of the word of God.Features:• One-Touch Calling – contact the church directly or a staff memberwith one click.• Sermons - listen to our live sermon Podcast right from yourphone.• Push Notification Messaging - receive messages containingimportant church information while on the go.• Church Events - view current and upcoming ministry events.• Mailing List - join our mailing-list to receive important churchinformation.• Online Bible - study your lesson with our in-app bible.• Prayer Request – this features allows you to record and submit aprayer request.For more information about KLC or Pastor Justin & AntoinetteValentine, please visit:
Iglesia Centro de Vida 1.399
My Pocket Mobile Apps
Descargue este app para escuchar y versermones de diferentes temas que podrían cambiar su vida. Tambiénpuede mirar nuestro calendario, recibir actualizaciones de eventosy conocer a nuestro pastor y miembros de su equipo. Le pedimos quecomparta este app y su contenido con su familia y amigos.Iglesia Centro de Vida fue fundada en el año 1996 en la ciudadde Gonzales en el estado de Luisiana EE.UU. Estamos afiliados conla Iglesia Pentecostal Unida Internacional. También somos unaiglesia multicultural con miembros de diferentes países. Somos unaiglesia bilingüe, con enfoque en las familias, y con un fundamentoBíblico. Queremos impactar nuestra comunidad, estado, nación y elmundo entero con el poderoso evangelio de Jesucristo. Te invitamosa que nos visites y experimentes el mensaje de salvación por timismo.Welcome to the official Iglesia Centro de Vida (Life CenterChurch) App.Download this free app for both audio and video selections ofsermons on many relevant topics. View our church calendar, receiveevent updates and meet our pastor and staff. Please share this appand its contents with your family and friends.Iglesia Centro de Vida (Life Center Church) was founded in 1996in Gonzales, Louisiana, and is affiliated with the UnitedPentecostal Church International. We are a multicultural,bilingual, family oriented, Bible based church striving to reachour community with the powerful gospel of Jesus Christ. We inviteyou to visit and experience this life changing message foryourself.Features:• One-Touch Calling – contact the church directly or a staffmember with one click.• Send your photos in for chance to be posted on our Facebook orTwitter page. We reserve the right to accept or decline anyphotos.• Push Notification Messaging - receive messages containingimportant church information while on the go.• Church Events - view current and upcoming ministry events.• Mailing List - join our mailing-list to receive important churchinformation.• Prayer Wall – this features allows you to post your prayerrequest easy.
Ministerio Rio De Vida 1.0.1
My Pocket Mobile Apps
River of Life Ministries is dedicated to seeking the lost as Jesuscommanded, to restore them through the teachings of the word ofGod, and help them establish a relationship with Jesus and the bodyof Christ. Download from the link below using your iPad device.Once the app previewer is open, you will only need to input the appcodes listed below. Place the each code into the EMAIL FIELD. Nopassword is ever needed. Just select go and next on the keyboard.Features: • One-Touch Calling – contact the church directly or astaff member with one click. • Mailing List - join our mailing-listto receive important church information. • Push NotificationMessaging - receive messages containing important churchinformation while on the go. • Schedule Appointment – members cannow schedule an appointment with staff or the pastor. • ChurchEvents - view current and upcoming ministry events. • GPS Map –members and new visitors can find our ministry with just a click ofa button. • Prayer Wall – this feature allows you to post yourprayer request easy. • Online Bible – now users can study theirbible while on the go with our eBible. • App Sharing – share thechurch app with other members or new visitors.
ReEngaged Ministries 1.0.1
My Pocket Mobile Apps
ReEngaged Ministries is an outreach by Catholic Laity to CatholicLaity. Our mission is to reengage disenfranchised Catholics with apersonal relationship with Jesus, reengage practicing Catholicswith a deeper commitment to the mission of the Church, and in theprocess reengage the Church with the world -- all through anoutreach by laity to laity. This mission is advanced by connectingCatholics with authentic community, practical resources, and avision for what a truly lived Catholic Christian Faith has tooffer. This app is a part of offering the community, resources andvision of ReEngaged Ministries to others. We value relationshipsover debates, witnessing over arguing, and a personal relationshipwith God over the mere acquisition of knowledge. We believestrongly in the Church's words from Lumen Fidei: The laity can andmust perform a work of great value for the evangelization of theworld. We are a ministry of unordained laity reaching out to thelaity in practical and human terms in the very real world in whichthe laity live. We believe that Christ calls all of us regardlessof our social, ecclesial, professional or spiritual status to knowGod personally and follow him purposefully. We also believe thatChrist does not call us to do this alone but instead in authenticcommunity. We are ReEngaged Ministries: an outreach by laity tolaity that leads the lost personally to Christ, the found moredeeply to the mission of the Church,and the Catholic Church moreprofoundly into a relationship with the world. Features: • PrayerRequest – this features allows you to record and send your prayerrequest easy. • One-Touch Calling – contact the church directly ora staff member with one click. • GPS Map - visitors can now findyour church with one click, providing them turn by turn directions.• Push Notification Messaging - receive messages containingimportant church information while on the go. • Church Events -view current and upcoming ministry events. • Mailing List - joinour mailing-list to receive important church information. • OnlineBible - study the bible on your mobile devices. • Event Photo -submit your photos from any of our church events.
Christ Embassy Texas 4.5.3
My Pocket Mobile Apps
Christ Embassy is a global ministry with avision of taking God’s divine presence to the nations of the worldand to demonstrate the character of the Holy Spirit. This isachieved through every available means, as the Ministry is drivenby a passion to see men and women all over the world, come to theknowledge of the divine life made available in Christ Jesus.Christ Embassy will stop at nothing in ensuring that the gospelof the Lord Jesus Christ is preached in all the nations of theworld as is expected by the Lord. Acts 19:20 - So mightily grew theWord of God and prevailed.Features:• One-Touch Calling – Contact the church directly or a staff memberwith one click.• GPS Map – members and new visitors can find our ministry withjust a click of a button.• Push-notification Messaging - Receive messages containingimportant church information while on the go.• Church Events - View current and upcoming ministry events.• Mailing List - Join our mailing-list to receive important churchinformation.• Online Bible – now users can study their bible while on the gowith our eBible.• Watch and Listen – Enjoy inspiring messages by Pastor KennethOyakhilome.• App Sharing – share the church app with other members or newvisitors.
Resurrection Ministries 1.0.1
My Pocket Mobile Apps
Resurrection Church extends a warm welcome toyou and your family. We invite you to visit with us this Sunday. Wehave worship venues designed for each family member to encounterGod. From engaging Worship Services to enlightening Family ChurchSchool, we are prepared for your visit.Our mobile app allows you to communicate more effectively with thechurch while on the go.• One-Touch Calling – contact the church or a staff member with oneclick.• Prayer Wall - post a prayer request with ease.• Church Events - view current and upcoming ministry events.• Buy Gospel Music - purchase the latest gospel music while on thego.• Sermon Recorder - record a sermon and email to other members orvisitors.• Convention Cam - take photos at our conventions or events andsend to us.• Push Notification Messaging - receive messages containingimportant church information.
Zion Baptist Church Hampton 1.2.19
My Pocket Mobile Apps
Welcome to Zion Baptist Church app!
Lion of Judah 4.0.1
My Pocket Mobile Apps
The Lion of Judah app is a powerful app thatprovides you with resources and help. You will experience church ondemand in the palm of your hand! Sermons, videos, prayer wall andmore are just some of the features.Downloading this free app will give you access to all of thefeatures of being an app user and church member. There arecommunity resource for free clothing, furniture and householdbelongings exclusively for our app users.Features:• One-Touch Calling – contact the church directly or a staff memberwith one click.• Sermon Recorder - record live sermons and email to other membersor visitors.• Push Notification Messaging - receive messages containingimportant church information while on the go.• Church Events - view current and upcoming ministry events.• Mailing List - join our mailing-list to receive important churchinformation.• Prayer Wall – this features allows you to post your prayerrequest easy.
Christ the King Baptist Church 1.0.4
My Pocket Mobile Apps
This app is a tool to help fulfill the mission of Christ the KingBaptist Church: We’re building a family of Christian disciplestriumphantly living the Word of God and in the power of God,transforming the world with love, hope and faith in God. Throughthis app you will be able to connect with us via live videos ondemand, access the bible, sign up for events, submit prayerrequests, give your tithes and offering, purchase teachings fromPastor Marion Sailor, and more. We are taking this ministry to thenext level in mobile communications to integrate our mission easilyinto the lifestyle of our members. Stay connected throughout theweek and receive notifications about what's happening at yourchurch. Download it today!
Hair Battle Tour Mobile App 1.399
My Pocket Mobile Apps
Hair Battle Tour (HBT) is a city to city tourcreated by Curtis Smith, creator of Xotics Products and personalgroomer to Sean Diddy Combs and Usher Raymond. Hair Battle Tour ispromoted by an elaborate collaboration of barbers from around thecountry. Hair Battle Tour provides an opportunity for barbers andstylists to compete for cash prizes, trophies and bragging rights.HBT affords barbers the opportunity to network with peers in yourprofession.If you can’t experience or compete in the Hair Battle Tour inone of the various cities don’t worry, Curtis Smith has taken HairBattle Tour mobile. Now barbers and stylist can compete in everycity worldwide with Hair battle Tour mobile app. The HBT Mobile Appprovides an opportunity for barbers and stylists in every city tobattle for cash prizes, trophies and bragging rights via theirmobile device.Now with just one click users of the HBT Mobile App are just afinger touch away from purchasing training videos, buying tickets,voting for their favorite barber/stylist, purchasing Xoticsproducts, receiving latest battle updates, reading industry news,participating in Cuts for Cancer, following us on social media, andmore.The Hair Battle Tour mobile app provides awareness about theimportance of maintaining and living a healthy lifestyle. Noweveryone you can have the Hair Battle Tour in the palm of yourhands twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week.Curtis Smith the creator Xotics hope the Hair Battle Tour mobileapp offers you a convenient experience into the world ofprofessional barbering. Curtis Smith also hope the mobile app willinspire barbers to compete, fans to follow, and customers to buyXotics natural hair and skin care products.Download this mobile app today to experience or compete in theXotics’ Hair Battle Tour via you mobile device.For more information about Hair Battle Tour go to more information about Xotics Products by Curtis Smith go to Hair Battle Tour mobile app was created and designed byMyPocket App Developers.Features:• One-Touch Calling – contact a staff member with one click.• Submit Photos – email us photos from your live experience at ourHair Battle Tours• Events - Stay up to date on all the upcoming Hair Battle Tourdates and other Xotics sponsored events• Fan Wall – log in via Facebook or Twitter to post comments on ourHBT app fan wall about your experience at the Hair BattleTours.• GPS Map Directions – follow GPS directions to the location wherethe Hair Battle Tour is being held.• App Sharing – share the Hair Battle app with others.• Industry News – Follow the most up to date information related tothe barbering and cosmetology industry.
Bright Life Music
My Pocket Mobile Apps
Brightlife Music A Community of Media &Entertainment “The Way Music Can Feel “ IS USA RECORD LABEL IN LOSANGELES, California with the idea to open a music outlet forthriving artists who can contribute to the industry on a long termbasis. Founded by entrepreneur, president and C.E.O BrightEnabulele aka L. A Bright. Not only is Brightlife a name, but a wayof life. Brightlife Music, a label that believes in delivering onlyprime cuts to the proverbial musical table, which involvesimplicity at its best, with a sound that encompasses the entireglobe. We are not genre specific, Brightlife Music is universal. Wewant to touch as many lives as possible through this amazing giftof music throughout the universe, while continuously redefining thebusiness models of projects around the globe. Our new mobile appallows the user to listen and buy music while staying informedthrough features like push-messaging. Download the app today andshare with others on your social networks.Features:• One-Touch Calling – contact us directly or one of our teammembers with one click.• Push Notification Messaging - receive messages containingimportant updates while on the go.• Music - listen to snippets and buy music from our artist.• Booking – book one of our artist right from the app.• Events - view current and upcoming music events.• Mailing List - join a specific artist mailing-list to receiveimportant information.• App Sharing – share "Bright Life" music app with others throughseveral social media networks.
My Pocket Mobile Apps
Whether it’s your first visit with us or yourseventh visit, we welcome you to the City of Champions where“Helping People Win In Life” isOur vision.Here at CELEBRATION CHURCH at Monroe Street you willexperience:- A comfortable atmosphere- Friendly people who will make you feel welcomed- Exciting, anointed worship music- God’s word through messages that are relevant to dailyliving- A dynamic children’s and youth ministry- Life changing small groupsThe mobile allows us to enhance our communication with churchmembers an much more. Download the Celebration church app to beconnected while on the go.Features:• One-Touch Calling – contact the church directly or a staff memberwith one click.• Push Notification Messaging - receive messages containingimportant church information while on the go.• Church Events - view current and upcoming ministry events.• Mailing List - join our mailing-list to receive important churchinformation.• Prayer Request – record your request and send to our staff.• GPS Map – members and new visitors can find our ministry withjust a click of a button.• Online Bible – now users can study their bible while on the gowith our eBible.• Music – buy sermons and music right from our church app throughiTunes or 7Digital.• App Sharing – share the church app with other members or newvisitors.
Set the Captives Free App 1.0.4
My Pocket Mobile Apps
Dr. Karen Stanley Bethea is a Wife, Mother, Friend, Author,Teacher, Psalmist, Recording Artist, and Senior Pastor of Set theCaptives Free Outreach Center. She is known for the deliverancemantle on her life. Under her anointed teaching and preaching, manypeople have been set free from past addictions, pains, wounds, andnegative lifestyles and have been brought into a spiritual andwholesome lifestyle. Dr. Bethea firmly believes that “she can doall things through Christ which strengthens her!” Her eaglementality is contagious to those around her. She is a graduate ofCoppin State College/Coppin State University, and Saint Mary'sSeminary/and University. She also earned her Doctorate through theGraduate Theological Foundation completing her coursework anddefending her dissertation at Oxford University in Oxford, England.On April 9, 2000, under the leadership of Dr. Karen Bethea, Set theCaptives Free Outreach Center (STCF) opened at the Comfort Inn, inWoodlawn, Maryland. The church opened with five adult members andseven children. In November of 2002, Pastor Karen stepped out onfaith as God blessed STCF with a 33,000 sq. ft. facility, locatedin Woodlawn, Maryland. STCF is known as a center for healing and anincubator to discover and birth destinies. Over the past ten yearsplus under Dr. Karen and her husband, co-pastor Pastor LinwoodBethea leadership, numerous lives have been changed, families havebeen healed and God’s is being glorified. People continue to leavetheir past lives behind, finding wholeness in the Lord (Col 2:10).“Set the Captives Free” mobile app is package with features thatallow members and new visitors to communicate like never before.Features: - Push Notification Messaging: Receive messages aboutimportant information such as cancellations - Podcast: Listen toour Podcast at any time while on the go. - Church Events: viewcurrent and upcoming ministry events. - Mailing List: join ourmailing-list to receive important church information. - SermonNotes: Follow the sermon outline with the included Sermon Notes -News: View current and upcoming events, announcements, and otherinformation - Online Bible: Follow along with the Online Bible, andread it on the go - Video: Watch our archived worship services fromyour phone
Greater Imani Cathedral 1.0.3
My Pocket Mobile Apps
Greater Imani Cathedral of Faith, located in Memphis, Tennessee, isa vibrant, Spirit filled non-denominational Christian Church ofbaptized believers who are associated by belief in the faith(imani) and fellowship of the gospel of Jesus the Christ No matterwhere you are in your life or spiritual journey, Greater ImaniChurch & Christian Center will welcome you. We will listen,support and offer encouragement where we can. We are like that cityset on a hill that cannot be hid. We come together to sharefriendship, worship and prayer to help face the challenges of lifeknowing that Jesus walks beside us. So whoever you are, whereveryou're from and whatever you believe, we'd love you to join us. Awarm welcome awaits you! Greater Imani Cathedral of Faith is led bythe dynamic Chief Apostle and Founder, Dr. Bill Adkins. Dr. Adkinsis anointed of God to impart and activate the gifts of the Spiritin order to raise up strong ministries in the Body of Christ. Thisgifted visionary with a true apostolic and prophetic call on hislife, has a desire to infiltrate the world with the Word of God. Heis dedicated to perfecting the saints and training ministers tofulfill the call of God in their lives. Through his transition frompastoral to the apostolic, he is bridging the gap betweendenominations regarding living in the Spirit and gifts of theSpirit. He accepts his charge to raise up a fresh new movement ofholiness, parenting as a spiritual father, traditional churches anddenominations into the beauty of holiness. At Greater ImaniCathedral of Faith, we practice LIFE APPLICATION theology. Thismeans we believe that the word of God is applicable to our dailylives; therefore, we derive power and strength from the gospel. Weassert that We can do all things through Christ Jesus, Our Lord. Weare the 21st century mega church, dedicated to the teachingministry, encompassing the Christian Center concept of holisticministry. Features: • One-Touch Calling – contact the churchdirectly or a staff member with one click. • Mailing List - joinour mailing-list to receive important church information. • PrayerRequest – this feature allows you to record and send your prayerrequest easy. • Push Notification Messaging - receive messagescontaining important church information while on the go. • ChurchEvents - view current and upcoming ministry events. • GPS Map –members and new visitors can find our ministry with just a click ofa button. • Online Bible – now users can listen to their bible readwhile on the go.
Christian Life Center Maryland 4.5.3
My Pocket Mobile Apps
The official app for Christian Life Center inMaryland. This app gives you access to inspirational content aswell as provides a place to interact with each other throughfeatures like our Prayer Wall, Photos updates, and social mediaoutlets. Use this app in church or take it on the go. Don't miss amoment of what's going on at CLC!Features:• One-Touch Calling – contact the church directly or a staff memberwith one click.• Event Photo – submit your “Event Photos” right in the app.• Push Notification Messaging - receive messages containingimportant church information while on the go.• Church Events - view current and upcoming ministry events.• Mailing List - join our mailing-list to receive important churchinformation.• Online Bible – study your bible and other reading plans while onthe go.• Prayer Request – submit your “Prayer Request” easy with our audiorecorder.
Matt Darby Attorney 1.0.3
My Pocket Mobile Apps
Matt Darby is a principle partner of Berman, Sobin, Gross, Feldman& Darby LLP. He has handled cases involving Railroad WorkerLegal issues for over 20 years in numerous jurisdictions. Matt isDesignated Legal Counsel for the United Transportation Union, theBrotherhood of Railroad Signalmen and the Sheet Metal WorkersInternational Association. He is a member of the Academy of RailLabor Attorneys. Matt has successfully litigated Federal EmployersLiability (FELA) cases for Railroad Workers resulting fromtraumatic and cumulative trauma injuries. He has also handled"Whistleblower" cases arising under the Federal Rail Safety Act(FRSA"). Lastly, he has worked with Railroad Workers on issuesinvolving their rights before the Railroad Retirement Board. Mr.Darby's mobile app contains important legal information critical toRailroad Workers, an updated blog feed, a direct contact featureand much more. Now Railroad Workers can keep Matt right in theirpocket and share with others that may need his services. DownloadMatt Darby's mobile app and feel protected knowing he is just aclick away. • Users can take a picture with our "Train Accident"cam and send it! • Post important railroad industry issues on the"Discussion Wall." • Send your "Private Voice Messages" via themobile app. • Setting an appointment with Matt Darby is quick, easyand confidential. • Receive Push-Notification messages on importantlegal changes in the industry. • Stay informed about the industrywith our Railroad Blog!
Glad Tidings Church 1.401
My Pocket Mobile Apps
At Glad Tidings we consider everyone whovisits our church as a special guest and welcome the opportunity toworship, share and grow together with them.With a vision for family and community, the GT Ministry iscommitted to making a difference. We invite you to worship with usas often in a spirit-filled worship setting where God's word isproclaimed as the answer for a world in need.The mobile church app is packed with features that allow ourmembers and visitors to interact with us. Download for free todayand enjoy.• Prayer Wall – this features allows you to post your prayerrequest easy.• GPS Map – members and new visitors can find our ministry withjust a click of a button.• Online Bible – now you can study your bible while on the go withour eBible.Car Finder – members can pin their car on a map and located afterservice if they forget where they parked.• Music – buy sermons and music right from our church app throughiTunes or 7Digital.• One-Touch Calling – contact the church directly or a staff memberwith one click.• Sermon Recorder - record live sermons and email to other membersor visitors.• Push Notification Messaging - receive messages containingimportant church information while on the go.• Church Events - view current and upcoming ministry events.
Shalom Church St. Louis 1.399
My Pocket Mobile Apps
Welcome to the official Shalom Church (City ofPeace) mobile app!Shalom Church (City of Peace) was founded in 1993 by pastor, Dr.Freddy J. Clark. The ministry is built on the principles ofpreaching, teaching and praying under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.Shalom Church is Christian by faith and Baptist by denominationalaffiliation.Shalom Church has a momentum and growth because of a dynamicenvironment that combines traditional and contemporary elementsthat appeal to people of all ages and backgrounds. As a resultShalom Church offers members and visitors a traditional worshipsetting at their Berkeley campus and a contemporary worship settingat their Lindbergh campus. And now Shalom Church has taking theirministry mobile which appeals to the mobilized on-the-go society welive in.With the Shalom Church app members and visitors are just afinger touch away from daily meditations, sermons, latest updates,music, event info, social media, and more. Now you can have thispowerful ministry in the palm of your hands twenty-four hours a dayand seven days a week.Shalom Church (City of Peace) hope this mobile app and offer youa glimpse of the Shalom Church experience and inspire you toworship with us.Features:• One-Touch Calling – contact the church directly or a staff memberwith one click.• Sermon Recorder - record live sermons and email to other membersor visitors.• Push Notification Messaging - receive messages containingimportant church information while on the go.• Church Events - view current and upcoming ministry events.• Mailing List - join our mailing-list to receive important churchinformation.• Prayer Wall – this features allows you to post your prayerrequest easy.• GPS Map – members and new visitors can find our ministry withjust a click of a button.• Online Bible – now you can study your bible while on the go withour eBible.• Car Finder – members can pin their car on a map and located afterservice if they forget where they parked.• Enotes – take enotes from sermons and bible studies right fromour app.• App Sharing – share the church app with other members or newvisitors looking for new place to worship.Download this app today to get connected to Shalom Church (Cityof Peace).For more information about Shalom Church (City of Peace), pleasevisit www.shalomccop.orgThe Shalom Church app was developed by MyPocket AppDevelopers
Risen King Community Church 4.0.1
My Pocket Mobile Apps
Welcome to the official app of Risen KingCommunity Church in Redding, California!At Risen King Community Church we are a community people who areCentering our lives on God's Presence, Connecting with God's FamilyandCooperating in God's Plan to advance His Kingdom. For moreinformation about Risen King Community Church please visit:www.risenking.orgWe believe being connected with one another is very importantand that this app is a great way to do that. Here you will be ableto contact the church, post prayer requests, listen to messages,stay up to date on Risen King events and much more. Download ourapp today and give it a try.Features:• One-Touch Calling – contact the church directly with oneclick.• Church Events - view current and upcoming ministry events.• Push Notification Messaging - receive messages containingimportant church information while on the go.• Mailing List - join our mailing-list to receive important churchinformation.• Prayer Request – this features allows you to record and send yourprayer request easy.• Post Free Items - Users can browse the posting and contact thelister for more information on the items.
GAP Central (Young Ministry) 1.2.0
My Pocket Mobile Apps
G.A.P. (God's Anointed Purpose) Ministry isempowering a generation to discover their identity in Christ and totake their place in the Kingdom in order to fulfill the GreatCommission. We are a group of diverse young adults who love God andpeople and are addicted to missions, prayer, worship andevangelism.When you download this App you will be instantly connected to ourlatest events, sermons and podcasts. In addition you will also beable to watch our LIVE stream video, connect to our Facebook andTwitter and even donate through the App.PLUS.... you will will be updated on all of our upcoming events,and be able to share your, prayer requests, pics and testimoniesfrom GAP events or everyday walk with Christ and even record thesermons. You will also have access to a "multi-version" Bibleinside the App and much more all in the palm of your hand.Features:• Event Cam - take photos at our conventions or events, and sendthem here.• Ask A Question - recorder a message and send via email for theanswer.• Event Calender - view current and upcoming ministry events.• Online Sermons - listen to sermons while on the go with ourbuilt-in audio player.• Prayer Wall - post your unlimited prayer request.• Push Notification Messaging - receive messages containingimportant church updates.GAP Young Adult Ministry, visit: http://www.gapgen.orgThank You "My Pocket Church App" for an Amazing App.
The Well Christian Church 4.1.1
My Pocket Mobile Apps
The Well opened its doors for the first timeon March 2, 2003. From a relatively modest beginning in a small 110seat sanctuary in San Ramon, California, The Well relocated in June2013 to its current eighty three thousand square foot facility inLivermore. The vision that God placed on the heart of PastorKaufman remains firmly rooted today as God continues to grow theministry of The Well, both in breadth and depth.Under the Apostolic and Prophetic anointing of Pastor NapoleonKaufman, The Well Christian Community shines as an expression ofGod's love and hope for restoration. By the power of God's visionin the heart of Pastor Napoleon Kaufman, the Well is becoming acenter from which Apostolic, Prophetic and Healing teams ofMinisters are being sent to not only churches and areas outside ofthe walls of The Well, but also to the nations of the world. It hasbeen through the hearing of God's voice and by the desire to beobedient to His calling, that Pastor Kaufman now leads The WellChristian Community to a level of anointing that has exceeded allthe original expectations. Lives are being changed and the power ofthe Holy Spirit is evident each time that the doors of The Well areopen.We are committed to leadership, by giving of ourselves to theservice of others.Our lives are a testament of grace and compassion that fuel usto spread the love of Jesus, to the hopeful and the hopeless. Weare mandated to lead the lost, to love the lonely and to livewithout limits. This is our interpretation of the life that wasafforded to us and we are dedicated to fulfilling His missionthrough our Church.Features:• Prayer Request – this features allows you to record and send yourprayer request easy.• One-Touch Calling – contact the church directly or a staff memberwith one click.• GPS Map - visitors can now find your church with one click,providing them turn by turn directions.• Push Notification Messaging - receive messages containingimportant church information while on the go.• Church Events - view current and upcoming ministry events.• Mailing List - join our mailing-list to receive important churchinformation.• Online Bible - study the bible on your mobile devices.• Event Photo - submit your photos from any of our churchevents.Developer:
The Journey Church 4.5.7
My Pocket Mobile Apps
The Journey Church exists to show Jesus asincomparably glorious. We believe that Jesus is unrivaled andwithout competitors. If he is seen rightly, he is adored andtreasured. So we make our aim to show him as he truly is. We seekto do this through gospel-centered WORSHIP, COMMUNITY, and MISSION.This dream began in the summer of 2005 as a group of 30 peoplemet together in a living room to discuss the need for a differentkind of church in our community. In January of 2006 TJC waslaunched and has been reaching people ever since.TJC has planted two churches from our congregation, financiallysupported numerous other church plants, and currently has over 500+in two weekend worship gatherings. With powerful preaching, movingworship, and ministries that connect with all ages, TJC is a greatplace for you to come seek, savor, & show Jesus as incomparablyglorious.Features:• One-Touch Calling – contact the church directly or a staff memberwith one click.• Sermon Recorder - record live sermons and email to other membersor visitors.• Push Notification Messaging - receive messages containingimportant church information while on the go.• Church Events - view current and upcoming ministry events.• Mailing List - join our mailing-list to receive important churchinformation.• Prayer Wall – this features allows you to post your prayerrequest easy.
King Jesus Today 1.0.2
My Pocket Mobile Apps
King Jesus Today app is a powerful tool thatprovides you with resources and help. You will connect with theSupernatural Power of God at the palm of your hand!Join us on this adventure as we bring the supernatural power ofGod to this generation!Features:• Push Notification Messaging - receive messages containingimportant Ministry information while on the go.• Ministry Events - view current and upcoming ministryevents.• Newsletter - join our monthly newsletter to receive ministryinformation.• Submit An Event Photo - members can submit a photo from one ofour live events.• Share App – share King Jesus app with other members or newvisitors.• Podcast - listen to audio recordings.• Social Network - connect through any of our social pages.
Madison Mission Church 1.399
My Pocket Mobile Apps
Welcome To Madison Mission Mobile App!When Dr. Doggette first received the vision for Madison Mission,God specifically directed him to start a ministry that would not"follow the beaten path." From the very inception, this wasdestined to be a ministry of reclaiming and empowerment; a ministrywhere souls were snatched from the mouth of hell and provided withopportunities to maximize their spiritual potentials; a ministrywhere people wouldn't be satisfied with merely coming to church,but would actively participate with the Spirit as they attempt tobe the church.After much planning, the first service was held at the AsburyUnited Methodist Church on a Sabbath morning in May 1995. Theservice was Holy Ghost filled and electrifying, and the standingroom only attendance exceeded everybody's expectations. Greatthings were scheduled to take place.Taking a leaf forward and bring the church into the technologyarena, Madison Mission's mobile app includes these greatfeatures:Features:• One-Touch Calling – contact the church directly or a staff memberwith one click.• Sermon Recorder - record live sermons and email to other membersor visitors.• Push Notification Messaging - receive messages containingimportant church information while on the go.• Church Events - view current and upcoming ministry events.• Prayer Wall – this features allows you to post your prayerrequest easy.• Online Bible – now you can study your bible while on the go withour eBible.• Gospel Music - purchase music right from our church app throughiTunes or 7Digital.• Enotes – take enotes from sermons and bible studies right fromour app.• App Sharing – share the church app with other members or newvisitors looking for new place to worship.• Event Photos – share your photos from the conventions or eventsto be posted on our Facebook page.
Sound Control Disc Jockeys 1.400
My Pocket Mobile Apps
We understand every event is unique, and ourapproach to helping you plan your event reflects that. We areconsistently providing the highest quality of entertainment as wellas some of the best entertainers in the area. Our disc jockeys areexperienced masters of ceremonies and event coordinators that willwork with you and your vendors to customize the planning of yourspecial occasion covering every detail to ensure a spectacularevent unlike any other.Great sound comes from quality equipment. All of ourentertainers utilize state-of-the-art professional disc jockeyequipment from top names like Bose, Dennon, QSC, Mackie and PRO. Weuse laptop computers to play the music and external hard drives tohouse our comprehensive music library consisting of over 25,000song titles. We can satisfy any age range, theme or request andfeature selections from the oldies to today's top hits. We alsooffer music videos from the 70's to today's hottest hits. Inaddition, our music consists of edited versions to accommodate theguidelines for any school or kids event. Back up equipment isalways available and we offer wireless microphones forannouncements.As for our attire, our entertainers are always dressedappropriately for the occasion. Tuxedos are required for weddings,proms and formal occasions. Other occasions can require formal orinformal attire, as per your recommendation.Features:• One-touch Calling - connect directly with one click!• Appointment - schedule your appointment for an eventconsultation!• Fan Wall - post your upcoming event's information and connectwith others!• Event Cam - take a photo and send so we can post it on ourFacebook page!• Buy Music - browse and buy your favorite music while on thego!• Event Listings - view all our current and upcoming events rightfrom the app!
Sullivan & Worcester REITS 1.400
My Pocket Mobile Apps
Sullivan & Worcester’s REIT applicationprovides real estate and investment trust professionals with easyaccess to industry news and resources, including a glossary ofterms, a REIT conversion reference guide and S&W’s reports andanalysis.About the FirmSullivan & Worcester LLP, a leading corporate law firm, isnationally recognized for representing some of the nation’s largestpublic and private REITs in a wide range of transactions, includingmergers and acquisitions, UpREITs, DownReits, secured and unsecuredfinancings, senior, subordinate and convertible debt offerings,investment grade and sub-investment grade debt offerings, preferredequity offerings and sale-leaseback transactions.Features:• One-touching calling - contact our REIT attorneys while on thego and with ease.• Voice Recorder - record your question about REITS and send thefile via the app.• Event Listings - View all current and updated informationconcerning REIT events.• Appointment - schedule an appointment for a free REITconsultation and other services.• Fan Wall - view multiple discussions on REIT postings.
90.3 WDIH Radio 1.0.9
My Pocket Mobile Apps
Welcome To 90.3 WDIH Radio app!
Longley Baptist Church 4.0.2
My Pocket Mobile Apps
This is the official iPhone,iPad, iPod touchapplication for Longley Baptist Church. By downloading LBC Mobile,you will have sermons, Bible study notes, and other resources atyour fingertips.Longley is committed to providing balanced worship, an outwardreach, a futuristic and dynamic discipleship program, and awelcoming atmosphere. This app is designed to assist us infulfilling our commitment.Whether you’re a member of Longley or not, we encourage you todownload LBC Mobile and experience Longley through this mobileapp.Longley Baptist Church – “Where Excellence is the Standard”
Wow Center Church 5.1.7
My Pocket Mobile Apps
Welcome To Our Mobile App!
Atlanta Chapter of NBMBAA 4.5.2
My Pocket Mobile Apps
Thank you for downloading the National BlackMBA Association Atlanta Chapter Mobile App! Here you will findinformation regarding Atlanta chapter events, news, and otherAtlanta chapter related items to keep you connected. We appreciateyour willingness to engage with us and look forward to meeting yousoon!Once you connect with us via this app, please feel free tocontact us directly for more information.Features:• One-Touch Calling – contact one of our staff members with oneclick calling.• Event Photo - submit your photos that were taking at one of ourevents.• Push Notification Messaging - receive messages containingimportant MBA Association information while on the go.• MBA Association Atlanta Chapter Events - view current andupcoming events.• Mailing List - join our mailing-list to receive importantorganization information.• Social Networks - contact us through multiple socialnetworks.
Wright's Chapel UMC 1.0.1
My Pocket Mobile Apps
Wright's Chapel United Methodist Church inLadysmith, VA - Making Disciples, Transforming the World.By downloading our mobile app you will be able to keep up todate on everything that is happening in our church. You will beable to keep up with events, submit event photos, make a donation,read Sunday's scripture lessons, listen to the sermon, and receivemessages containing important church information while on thego!Features:• One-Touch Calling – contact the church directly or a staff memberwith one click.• Sermon Recorder - record live sermons and email to other membersor visitors.• Push Notification Messaging - receive messages containingimportant church information while on the go.• Church Events - view current and upcoming ministry events.• Mailing List - join our mailing-list to receive important churchinformation.• Prayer Wall – this features allows you to post your prayerrequest easy.
Overcomer’s Life Identity App 4.1.1
My Pocket Mobile Apps
“The Place Where Winners Live!” Connect withus; receive daily devotions, read up on coming events and more! Putthe power of OLC and Pastor Marcel D. Fears in the palm of yourhand! Overcomer’s Life Church is committed to sharing the lifechanging gospel of Jesus Christ in a relevant way- advancing God’sKingdom one family at a time.
Crossings Church 1.401
My Pocket Mobile Apps
Crossings Church strives to show the love ofJesus by connecting people to God and others.With the Crossings Church app you will always be just a tap awayfrom the latest sermons, music and daily content. Stay in the loopby viewing the events calendar. Other features include: dailydevotionals, built in bible, notepad, prayer wall and one-touchcontact to the church.Features:• One-Touch Calling – contact the church directly or a staff memberwith one click.• Push Notification Messaging - receive messages containingimportant church information while on the go.• Church Events - view current and upcoming ministry events.• Mailing List - join our mailing-list to receive important churchinformation.• Prayer Wall – this features allows you to post your prayerrequest easily.• In App Bible – now users can study their bible while on the gowith our eBible.
Footnanny 1.400
My Pocket Mobile Apps
The Footnanny, creates a customized foottreatments, which include using the best quality foot careproducts. Many of our customers simple say "WOW" after theirtreatment!Our new mobile app allows our customers to interact with uswhile on the go. From setting appointments to shopping, theFootnanny app is great to have in your pocket at all times.Features:• One-Touch Calling – contact our staff directly with oneclick.• Appointment - book your next appointment with theFootnanny.• Footnanny Events - view current and upcoming events.• App Sharing – share the app socially or by using several otheroptions.• Mailing List - join our mailing-list to receive importantindustry information.• GPS Map – members and new visitors can find our shop locationwith just a click of a button.• Music – buy soft music right from our app through iTunes or7Digital.
Auburn First United Methodist 4.0.2
My Pocket Mobile Apps
Connect with First United Methodist Church inAuburn, Indiana! Find out what we're up to, share your joys andburdens, give back to God, and get inspired to share the love ofGod with others! App includes sermons, prayer requests, calendar,online giving, virtual bulletin, attendance check-in, and more.Features:• One-Touch Calling – contact the church directly or a staff memberwith one click.• Prayer Request – record your request and send to our staff.• Push Notification Messaging - receive messages containingimportant church information while on the go.• Church Events - view current and upcoming ministry events.• Mailing List - join our mailing-list to receive important churchinformation.• Prayer Wall – this features allows you to post your prayerrequest easy.• GPS Map – members and new visitors can find our ministry withjust a click of a button.• App Sharing – share the church app with other members or newvisitors.
C3 Church Newcastle City 4.5.5
My Pocket Mobile Apps
GOD PEOPLE PURPOSEC3 Church Newcastle City (Newcastle Church) is about connectingpeople to God, people & their purpose. The church is full ofpeople who have discovered an incredible richness of life thatcomes from having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.This is the official App for C3 Church Newcastle City. It is agreat way to get more involved at C3NC. It includes details aboutevents, news, podcasts, prayer requests and much more.
The Galilee App 1.0.1
My Pocket Mobile Apps
We are a Church Determined to Grow for Christ through Worship(Loving God), Evangelism (Loving Others), and Discipleship (Lovingthe Word). God has given each of us a unique gift to use in KingdomBuilding; therefore, we must work while we can to make a differencein the lives of others. Our prayer is that you will be encouragedby these pages to join us in being a blessing to others as we areBuilding By Faith and Expanding For the Future. Download theofficial app of Galilee Baptist Church where Rev. Dr. Lloyd T.McGriff is Senior Pastor. Galilee is one church in two locations(Suitland, MD and SE Washington, DC). This app will allow you toexperience everything Galilee! Features: • One-Touch Calling –contact the church directly or a staff member with one click. •Sermon Recorder - record live sermons and email to other members orvisitors. • Push Notification Messaging - receive messagescontaining important church information while on the go. • ChurchEvents - view current and upcoming ministry events. • Mailing List- join our mailing-list to receive important church information. •Prayer Wall – this features allows you to post your prayer requesteasy. Developer:
Judah Church 1.0.3
My Pocket Mobile Apps
Welcome To Our Mobile App! At Judah Church we accept you as youare. It is our mission to make everyone feel welcome while offeringexciting Pentecostal worship and a powerful message. As an outreachfocused church, we strive to equip the body for their daily walk inour local mission field. We are a church for the entire family,with ministries from nursery to senior adults. These ministriesoften meet at least monthly for fun-filled fellowship events. Weare a loving church family who exist to encourage one another andembrace all those who join us! We invite you to experience JudahChurch: Come expecting...leave changed! The Judah Church mobile appis packed with features that help us stay in touch with you andhelp your walk with God. Features: • Music – buy sermons and musicright from our church app. • Church Events - view current andupcoming ministry events. • Mailing List - join our mailing-list toreceive important church information. • Sermon Recorder – recordlive sermons and send via email. • Prayer Wall – this featuresallows you to post your prayer request easy. • GPS Map – membersand new visitors can find our ministry with just a click of abutton. • Online Bible – now you can study your bible while on thego with our eBible.
Jackson Limo 4.0.1
My Pocket Mobile Apps
JACKSON LIMOUSINE SERVICE has been in businessfor over 25 years serving the Los Angeles tri-county area. We setthe standard for excellence in chauffeured ground transportation,and we serve California's entertainment and corporate industries.Located in the heart of the city, we take great pride in not onlyoffering unparalleled superior service, but also giving back to thecommunity.Our drivers are specially trained, well groomed, knowledgeable,discreet and conscientious. Our administrative offices areautomated and fully staffed 24 hours everyday. Our reservationspecialists are responsive, professional and courteous and, willwork with you to customize all of your ground transportationneeds.
Living Waters Community Church 4.5.4
My Pocket Mobile Apps
At Living Waters Community Church, we inviteyou to experience the Love of Christ through ourrelationship as a family. We are a passionate body of believersthat thrive in the expression of worship as a lifestyle. We believethat Ministry is not what we do, but it’s who we are.We are committed to leadership, by giving of ourselves to theservice of others. Our lives are a testament of grace andcompassion that fuel us to spread the love of Jesus, to the hopefuland the hopeless. We are mandated to lead the lost, to love thelonely and to live without limits. This is our interpretation ofthe life that was afforded to us and we are dedicated to fulfillingHis mission through our Church.Features:• One-Touch Calling – contact the church directly or a staff memberwith one click.• GPS Map - visitors can now find your church with one click,providing them turn by turn directions.• Push Notification Messaging - receive messages containingimportant church information while on the go.• Church Events - view current and upcoming ministry events.• Mailing List - join our mailing-list to receive important churchinformation.• Prayer Request – this features allows you to record and send yourprayer request easy.• Online Bible - study the bible on your mobile devices.Developer:
Greater Rhode Island Baptist 4.5.3
My Pocket Mobile Apps
Our church exists for the purpose of worship,instruction, fellowship, and evangelism. We believe that churchlife should be real, refreshing, and relevant. Please feel free tocontact us with any spiritual needs that you may have. We wouldcount a privilege to be of service to you.Features:• One-Touch Calling – contact the church directly or a staff memberwith one click.• Mailing List - join our mailing-list to receive important churchinformation.• Push Notification Messaging - receive messages containingimportant church information while on the go.• Schedule Appointment – members can now schedule an appointmentwith staff or the pastor.• Church Events - view current and upcoming ministry events.• GPS Map – members and new visitors can find our ministry withjust a click of a button.• Prayer Wall – this feature allows you to post your prayer requesteasy.• Online Bible – now users can study their bible while on the gowith our eBible.• App Sharing – share the church app with other members or newvisitors.
Crestview Baptist Church 1.399
My Pocket Mobile Apps
Crestview Baptist Church was constituted onJuly 9, 1961, by a group of people from the First Baptist Church inGeorgetown, who believed Georgetown needed another Baptist churchto serve the town's growing population. The church began with 106charter members, several of whom are still active at Crestviewtoday.The group first met in the facilities of the First PresbyterianChurch. Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Parker donated two acres of land onAndice Road, which was out in the country in 1961. The originalsancturary is now used as the church's fellowship hall.Through building programs such as Together We Build, United WeBuild, bond sales, and bank loans, the church facilities have grownand continue to grow. The construction of the multipurposebuilding, with its beautiful memorial stained glass windows,established a more noticeable presence on Williams Drive.Over the course of many years, Crestview has expanded itspresence at 2300 Williams Drive with the acquisition of neighboringproperties to building a new, larger sanctuary, Adult EducationBuilding, new Administrative Offices, Student Ministries wing, anEvent Center for special events and worship simulcast, Children'sWorship Center, an expanded children's playscape, additional pavedparking and more!Crestview Baptist Church welcomes all ages into our ever-growingfamily of faith, now exceeding 2,400 members! Come grow withus!
Incarnation Penfield 1.399
My Pocket Mobile Apps
Here you will find quick and easy access tothe information you need, including service times, upcoming churchevents, assignment schedules, a forms library, the buildingschedule and more. You will also be able to submit requests for theprayer list and altar flowers.The Episcopal Church of the Incarnation is located on the eastside of Rochester, NY in the town of Penfield. We are afamily-friendly church which has been welcoming people since1957.Feature:• One-Touch Calling – contact the church directly or a staff memberwith one click.• Sermon Recorder - record live sermons and email to other membersor visitors.• Push Notification Messaging - receive messages containingimportant church information while on the go.• Church Events - view current and upcoming ministry events.• Mailing List - Join our mailing-list to receive important churchinformation.• Prayer Request – record your request and send via email.Note-Pad - take important enotes while attending service.